GME wanted to develop its proof-of-concept into a full-fledged application after securing first financing. I was tasked with creating it from the ground up and determining the most efficient way for construction site managers to rent equipment.
The rental market for construction equipment is very dated due to the fact that the typical process takes a very long time, is comprised of a great deal of steps, and is carried out mostly offline. GME desired a radical and immediate shift in the situation. This required tight collaboration with the product's development team in order to expedite the shipping of the product. After the first phase of planning, the work was divided into six separate sprints, each lasting two weeks, in order to design, verify, and finally hand over the whole application.
If I was going to make progress quickly, I needed to settle on a design strategy that could be put into practice with relatively little effort, would maintain accessibility, and would have an impact on the market. I began working on the initial design immediately following the outcome of wireframing for the first sprint, revised it after a few rapid-fire sessions with the client, and then crafted a solution that would simultaneously serve as the basis for the design system and be prepared for handoff.
In addition to determining the best way for users to order and manage equipment online, I had to ensure that partners delivering hardware were properly cared for. A second touchpoint was created using the same design system, where companies renting out the equipment could view and accept requests, check renters' credentials, and sign the deal with a single click.
Both touchpoints were designed as hybrid apps, mobile-first but easily adaptable to much larger viewports.
GME had a problem: an important conference was coming up in a few weeks, and no final branding was ready. Despite the fact that the app's UI drove the direction, all attempts to create a logo failed. Due to the issue's urgency, I offered to assist the client in resolving it based on my previous experience as a brand designer. A logo (along with a few marketing materials) were delivered on time in order to present the application at the aforementioned conference - a simple letter G stylized to look like a digger.
Within a period of three months, the GME app was efficiently designed, tested, and delivered. Because of the careful planning that went into the sprints, the transition from design to development went off without a hitch. As a result, GME was able to bring on partners in advance of the app's formal release and start providing service to its consumers on day one.
© Tomasz Zelmański'24
→ +48 698632226